It’s A Restful Time

October 10th, 2020

RG AUDIO 101020


Hebrews 4:1-13

There are Marys and there are Marthas in this world. Who do you relate to in Hebrews 4? I will admit that too often I find myself in the role of Martha. I get carried away with all the things that need to be done, with the task lists, with serving.

God, however, offers us rest. He offers a safe space for us to just be ourselves in His presence. His love for us does not end because dishes are piling up in the sink, or because the kids are a mess. His rest is offered because He loves and cares for us and our well-being.

Sometimes I still find myself striving to impress others or striving to be my best to earn God’s love. When Jesus spoke with Martha, His response was so loving. He understood that she was caught up in trying to be everything to everyone. He was also quick to recognize that Mary had taken the time to rest and trust that He would love her for being her.

May it be so. May we find ways to embody our trust that He loves us just the way we are.

Author: Kristen Bell


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