Response To Our Passion
June 23rd, 2020
Nehemiah 2:1-10
When we bring our passions in line with God’s will, we are often surprised at the outcome. Sometimes, God works in ways that follow a predictable timeline, and sometimes He surprises us.
When the king asks Nehemiah about his sadness, he admits fear. Servants were not allowed to show their personal emotions while serving the king. Nehemiah asks courageously, for his request is not small. In order to complete the task, Nehemiah will be gone for years, and he seeks resources from the king for rebuilding the city.
Prayer somehow sets into motion heavenly activity that we cannot see. God responds as we seek Him passionately. Sometimes, we are asked to walk a path of greater faith in the things unseen.
We believe that God is at work in our communities, in the nations around the world, and in us. As His people, let’s join God in what He is doing. Let’s seek His will. As we feel led, let’s ask and act in faith.
Author: Teanna Sunberg