The Holy Spirit Blesses Us
May 29th, 2020
1 Peter 4:7-19
My daughter asked me, “Why do girls have to be so mean?” It’s difficult when we’re hurt, insulted, or persecuted to not want to retaliate. Seriously, what could be the harm in someone getting what they deserve?
Peter was continually challenged by Jesus, and later by the Holy Spirit, to rethink his views of people, places, and priorities. His humble posture as a learner helped him to embrace the power of the Holy Spirit shaping him in and through all circumstances.
This same Spirit is at work shaping us through our joy, sorrow, and trials. The Spirit is enabling us to not idly watch the injustices in the world, but rather participate in God’s redemptive work to love, serve, and “continue to do good” (v. 19).
The living Holy Spirit blesses us with the power to move from serving self to humbly serving all (v. 8).
We can even be a people who rejoice in suffering and insult because of the name of Christ.
Author: Tim Whetstone