Sincere Prayers
February 2nd, 2020
Proverbs 29:1-7
I love to hear the sincere prayers offered by children at mealtimes. They are eager to offer words of thanksgiving and a list of prayer requests! “Thank you for this food, for the many blessings,” was another way of saying, “Thank you God! We have it all and that is all that matters!”
One Sunday I was invited to voice our prayer. I don’t know what prompted the words but I prayed: “We recognize that we have an abundance and there are many who do not have food. We never want to take this for granted. Will you use us in the lives of those who are in need?” Five minutes later, the doorbell rang. A group of students from a local school were collecting food for a pantry. My grandchildren ran to the kitchen and started loading bags to give our abundance to others.
As we gathered at the table, we talked about how we had just prayed and it seemed that God was waiting on our front porch with an opportunity for us. May we always seek to care and model a way to move in perfect cooperation with God!
Author: Margaret Tyler