Tell The Whole Story
January 26th, 2020
Psalm 119 is the longest single chapter in the Bible. The author details the serious difficulties he suffered throughout his life. Persecutions, slanders, taunts, and afflictions are the major themes found in this chapter. If we were to write the story of our lives, how much time and space would we spend narrating all the troubles we’ve experienced?
Woven throughout these verses of mistreatments is the truth that the Word of God is all sufficient. The author has had his share of troubles. Through these troubles, though, he experienced the character of God: righteous, trustworthy, unchangeable, faithful, and truthful.
Challenges and struggles teach us dependence upon God. It’s God’s desire that His character is revealed in any situation we experience. When we share our story with others and find ourselves complaining about afflictions, we must be sure to weave God’s faithfulness into the story. We need to tell the whole story.
Author: Patty Craft