Let The Light Shine

December 23rd, 2019

RG AUDIO 122319


Isaiah 60:1-7

In the Dominican Republic there is a constant struggle with electricity. The demands of almost 12 million people exceeds the electricity available. The country experiences regular power outages; some neighborhoods even have schedules restricting when the electricity will be available. One knows when the power has come back on during the evening hours due to the neighborhood cheers of “¡llegó la luz!” (the light has arrived!).

The good news for us is that God’s light has arrived! God’s light shines on us, but it also shines through us. His light shining on us looks like blessings of peace in the midst of trials and joy in the midst of grief. His light is shining through us when we serve those around us.

All that have received the light have a command from God: shine into the darkness. Our very best witness to God’s light in our lives is us shining in the darkness. Others will surely see the goodness and beauty of God and will desire to receive God’s light as well!

Author: Emily Armstrong

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