The Neighbor In The Road
August 22nd, 2019
I passed a hitchhiker on the road. I didn’t think too much about it until God said, “Go back.” Reservations anyone’s mother might have had ran through my mind as I turned around. I had seconds to recognize the “God opportunity” before me: God loved this hitchhiker and there was a need.
In Luke 10, Jesus is asked, “Who is my neighbor?” His answer implied, “anyone God loves.” Some of you will know and some of you won’t, but it doesn’t matter. Jesus’ story doesn’t give detail to the man in need either. All things necessary for God’s ministry opportunity are present in Jesus’ story.
First, God’s mercy moved the Samaritan to act. What is mercy without action? It’s not mercy. Act and God will provide the resources. Second, God placed this man in the middle of the Samaritan’s day, along the road. Opportunity was unavoidable. The Samaritan made a choice to meet this man’s need, a true Christ-follower.
Mercy is God’s blessing that keeps giving. Ask God for opportunity, watch for it, and act upon it.
Author: Jan C. LaSalle