Our Responsibility Is To Others

June 11th, 2019

RG AUDIO 061119


1 Peter 4:1-11

An all-star in the Special Olympics, Terry loved sports. Intellectual disabilities prevented him from learning to read, but he had an uncanny ability to memorize sports scores and the statistics of individual players. Jim enjoyed sports and soon he met Terry weekly over breakfast to talk sports. As their friendship grew, so did their desire to make a difference. Soon Jim asked Terry if he would like to come and help him clean the church. Jim found it took him half the time to clean, and Terry enjoyed doing something that made a difference.

Sometimes we might feel like what we have to offer, or our gift to serve others, is not important. However, Terry not only served Jim, by helping him, but also served the entire church family and Christ. Little things make a huge difference! Everyone can make a powerful impact, no matter how young or old, wealthy or poor. God has given us so many gifts to faithfully serve God and one another. Take a moment to think of an underutilized gift, or someone who needs to be served, and go do it!

Author: Kelli Westmark


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