Mercy For Us
June 6th, 2019
Matthew 18:21-35
Mercy is defined as having compassion toward or forgiving someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. When one exercises mercy, one is choosing to forgive rather than penalize. Jesus’ parable shows us the extravagant, invaluable mercy of God.
The king had the power to punish the servant who owed him such a great deal. Despite this, the king graciously forgave the astounding debt. He could have called in the debt, punished him severely, and ruined his life completely—all within the framework of justice. The king, rather, chose to forgive the servant and cancel the debt.
We can all place ourselves in the role of the servant and God as king. We understand that we are in need of God’s great grace and we could never purchase it. Do we understand, however, that we also have the ability to choose compassion rather than punishment for those around us? If we allow God’s grace to flow through our lives, we loosen our grip on ourselves thereby opening up more room for God’s grace. Choose forgiveness today.
Author: Stefanie Hendrickson