What If They Stumble?

June 4th, 2019

RG AUDIO 060419


Matthew 18:1-9

My toddler loves to play with her older brothers and is surprisingly good at keeping up with them. She adores them and doesn’t hesitate to imitate their every word and action. Despite her athletic abilities, she is still prone to the clumsiness characteristic of one learning to get around in life. Just the other day, she fell while playing outside, which resulted in one bloody knee. After caring for the injury and returning outside, she stumbled over her feet in her rush to join the boys. This time she suffered two scraped knees, putting her out of commission for further play that day.

Jesus puts a special responsibility on those who lead others in the name of God. He warns the leaders that those in the community are imitating them: word and deed. Beware that what you say and do can have a lasting affect on those around you. It would be better for a leader to “be drowned in the depths of the sea,” than to cause another to lose their faith.

Ask God to help you take stock of your words and actions. Is your life a helping guide or an obstacle to the believers around you.

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson


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