Holy Spirit Dwells In Us

May 3rd, 2019

RG AUDIO 050319


1 Corinthians 3:10-23

The body is the temple—the Church—and the Church has the Holy Spirit living in and among us. We read that Paul has built the foundation of the Church on Jesus and that Jesus is the only way. The Holy Spirit serves in part as a guide and helps us live this Christian life as individuals and as the Body of Christ.

Jesus is calling us to build our lives on Him, the one true foundation. In order for our work to withstand the test of fire, we must rely on the Holy Sprit and seek God through the Spirit. God has the blueprints for our lives, our church, and our families. The Holy Spirit is in our midst ready to guide our decisions. Can we hear the Spirit? Can we sense the Spirit’s guiding as we work for the glory of God?

God through the Holy Sprit lives in each of us. The Spirit is faithful to guide us and has gifted us with the talents we need to make our work strong and valuable for the benefit of the kingdom.

Author: Amy Scarlett


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