Peace With You

March 26th, 2019

RG AUDIO 032619


John 14:15-27

“World peace” is the stereotypical promise of a beauty queen. Peace is something most people want. Whether that means a world without war and bloodshed, a world without hardship and struggle, or a world where children can play in the streets after dark only coming home when a parent calls them in, the concept of what peace looks like is different for different people.

Jesus promises his disciples peace. He tells them to not be afraid. The peace he has to offer was not a life without hardships, according to tradition they endured much of that in their lives, but it was a life where their hearts would not be troubled, marked by peace not fear. It is a peace that comes from knowing the truth that can only be known through Christ. It is a peace only found in the salvation found only in Jesus and by living in relationship with God. The peace offered by God is an assurance, a stability, a hand to hold in the dark, a shoulder to lean on when it all seems too much. It is the peace of mind knowing that the God of the universe is with you.

Author: Kazimiera Fraley


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