
February 14th, 2019

RG AUDIO 021419


Leviticus 19:1-10

We in the church often talk about holiness. Sermons are preached, Sunday School lessons are taught, inspirational quotes are shared, and friends debate about the nature of holiness. What does it mean to “be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy” (v. 2)?

Leviticus is not the most exciting book of the bible to read. Many have stumbled through it on their way to reading the whole bible. The law code can be daunting and seem not pertinent to life today in our fast-paced, scientifically advanced world. Leviticus does provide us with insight to who God is and who God is calling us to be, if we look closely.

If we fail to see past the rules in Leviticus, we fail to see how holiness is more than spiritual acts or what happens at church. Holiness, as described by Leviticus, is a part of our daily lives. How we worship, interface with our world, and interact with those around us are all parts of holiness. Even how you gather your harvest, is a part of holiness. Be mindful of those around you, share what you have, as an act of worship.

Author: Mark Hendrickson


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