Follow Through

November 21st, 2018



Joshua 24:23-33

Pilots know that getting an airplane off the ground involves precise calculations of weight, thrust, temperature, and speed. However, the actual takeoff revolves around a point in time when the plane reaches a determined speed and the pilot must commit to activating the controls that lift the plane off the ground. At that point, there is no going back; the plane is committed to leaving the runway.

In the life of a Christian, the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts and asks us to make a decision. It may be the initial decision to seek God’s forgiveness for sin, a decision to follow a call into ministry, or simply to say yes to a gentle urging to speak to a stranger. Whatever the decision, we face a point of commitment where our “yes” must be followed by action. Simply making the commitment, without following through misses the point. We must follow our commitment to God with obedience.

Author: Mary Egidio


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