Passing the Baton
November 5th, 2018
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
When my grandmother passed away a couple of years following my grandfather the family gathered together for her funeral. A sadness permeated the room. Would we fly apart or continue to pull together? One family member stood up and challenged the next generation to pick up the baton and carry on with the family traditions.
Moses had come to the end of his long, adventurous life. He followed God’s leading through difficult places—guiding a whole people from slavery to freedom. And in the midst of it, Moses was denied entrance to the Promise Land. The infidelity of the people caught up with them: they would not have their fearless leader with them in a new land. God graciously allowed Moses a glimpse, but Moses would have to allow someone else to lead.
Sometimes we are afraid the next generation of followers won’t follow through. We may fear that no one will step up and lead. Know that God does call and will empower new leaders to go with us to new lands.
Author: Stefanie Hendrickson