Wide Grace

November 2nd, 2018




Mark 14:12-26

The Lord’s Supper may be the more universal and well-known sacrament of the Church of Jesus Christ. Though various faith traditions differ in how they understand and implement it, communion is still something the Body of Christ has done for 2,000 years. Thankfully, we show no sign of stopping anytime soon. Communion is a declaration of our Lord Jesus’ complete and total conquering of sin and death. We are reminded, once again, of three simple and powerful truths: Christ died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

As a means of grace, the Lord’s Supper should also remind us of the universality of God’s grace. Christ did not die to offer hope to only some, but to all. Many of us have people in our lives whom we desperately want to enter into a correct relationship with God through Jesus, and it is easy sometimes to feel like that is impossible. However, in breaking the bread and drinking from the cup, we are reminded that those people are never beyond the grace of God. The wide-reaching grace of the Lord should always renew our hope.

Author: Cameron Pence



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