Beware of Sinful Desires
June 23rd, 2018
1 Peter 2:4-12
I stopped off at the grocery store after work. We were going to be grilling hamburgers and having dinner with friends. I had a list of food to buy. Root beer was not on the list.
The first thing I saw in the store was the cooler full of root beer. Going from aisle to aisle, I kept thinking about it. When I came to the register, my mind had changed. It was not a question of if I would buy root beer, but which kind of root beer I was going to buy.
Desires lead to decisions, decisions lead to actions, and actions lead to consequences. Some desires are good and God-honoring. Some desires don’t have much of a moral element at all. Some desires lead us into sinful behaviors. The desires themselves are not sin, but if we follow them, they lead us away from God.
As we seek to follow God, we need to nourish some desires (for prayer, Scripture, Christian fellowship), and starve some (for selfishness, immorality, and retribution). After all, the most important thing is not our will, but God’s.
Author: Caleb Reynolds