It’s Personal

May 31st, 2018

RG AUDIO 053118


Jeremiah 3:6-20

We have all probably had experiences with wayward children or rebellious friends. Perhaps you were one who was at once a prodigal son or daughter. Jeremiah 3 speaks volumes. From the time God called Abram out of Ur, God promised to lead and care for his people. Like a young mother caring for her children, God nurtured and cared for his own called-out children . . . until they grew up and determined they could make it on their own without God’s help. We are all too familiar with the rest of the story, both ancient and modern. Rejection of God and separation from God’s family lead to destruction and spiritual death. In Jeremiah 3, we hear the heartbeat of a Father, one who does not choose to control the outcome. God allows us to remain in rebellion. However God waits for those living apart from him as a parent waiting for a prodigal to return. Are you living your life apart from God’s life-sustaining provision and care? He is calling you home to be part of the family.

Author: Carol Rittenhouse

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