God of the Details
March 19th, 2018
Genesis 29:1-15
“Well, that was lucky!” or “What a coincidence!” are phrases that we often hear or use, but do we believe things are a coincidence or moments orchestrated by a God who is involved in the everyday details of our lives? Jacob’s seemingly “chance” encounter with family members was a detail ordained by God.
While we were serving as missionaries in Madagascar, our daughter fell from a tree and broke both of her arms—one was horribly, visibly broken. It was a terrifying moment, but when we look back on that day, we see the hand of God in every detail. He cleared the normally traffic-jammed roads; we drove straight to the clinic. The doctors were there and took her immediately to surgery. Although everything was seemingly tiny, it was the supernatural hand of God.
Often we caution people not to over spiritualize things. If we look for God in every moment of our lives, however, perhaps it will cause our gaze to move upward to glorify and thank him for our daily blessings and gifts that he gives.
Author: Rachelle Miller