Hang In There! Together!

December 15th, 2017

RG AUDIO 121517


Galatians 6:1-10

The Christian life is not a solo journey! We need one another. We need the encouragement that others can give, and we need to be accountable to one another. We should care if a brother or sister is struggling, or even if they fail. And they should care about our journey, our growth, and our struggles.

When Paul challenged the Galatians to walk alongside the person who had failed, he knew it would be necessary for every one of them to have that kind of support available, because in one way or another, every one of them would need it.

Oh, it does take grit and determination to walk this way, but it does not mean that we can do so in isolation. The attention we give to our own journey, though necessary, is never enough for us. We really do need others to walk with us, challenge us, support us, and instruct us. And they need us.

This is the normal way of the Christian life. In a culture that values radical individualism, we need to walk a “counter-cultural” way.

Author: Jesse C. Middendorf


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