Anointed By God
December 14th, 2017
2 Corinthians 1:12-24
Sometimes we find ourselves the object of criticism, not because we have been duplicitous or deceptive, but because of circumstances beyond our control. Even though we do our best to be honest, straightforward, and trustworthy, there are times when our plans and promises are thwarted by others, by illness, or by events we could not foresee.
On some occasions, rare, and to be avoided whenever possible, we change our plans for the sake of those to whom we made pledges or promises. Paul faced that dilemma with the Corinthians. Their continued conflict, in some cases built around moral failure, made it necessary for him to forgo his plans to visit them, lest his visit become a source of greater conflict and pain.
Paul did not simply ignore his promises. He wrote candidly and with loving concern. And he made his case as a man of deep integrity and with a firm dependence on the Holy Spirit.
Our word will only stand the test of eternity if we are deeply dependent on the Spirit of God.
Author: Jesse C. Middendorf