God’s Word Brings Light

October 30th, 2017

RG AUDIO 103017


2 Kings 22:1-11

The discovery and subsequent response following exposure to the Book of the Law by Hilkiah the high priest in the temple reminds of the great joy expressed by a young man at a Bible camp gathering many years ago. That young man shouted to the group gathered: “God’s Word is sweet!”

After Hilkiah read God’s instructions in the Book of the Law to Shaphan, the secretary took the book to King Josiah and read its truths to the leader of Judah in Jerusalem. Josiah was a godly king; at the time of discovery, he was 26 years old. He not only listened intently, but by tearing his robes, he exhibited brokenness and humility on hearing the Word of God.

King Josiah’s response indicated that as a people, they had fallen short of God’s holy requirements, and he hungered to make things right. The attitude of willing obedience is always the correct response when exposed to God’s Word and spiritual light. God’s grace includes His desire to reach out to all people (Titus 2: 11-12).

Author: Rudy Morgan


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