Giving Thanks To God

July 30th, 2017

RG AUDIO 073017


Psalm 100:1-5

Someone has said, “You glorify God with gratitude.” I would mention their name, but I think they plagiarized the Psalmist! Psalm 100 speaks to a truth I have held for my lifetime. We don’t work up praise. It is the overflow of a grateful heart. The Psalmist simply couldn’t contain himself. Like the poem “Drinking from My Saucer,” the psalmist was so full of praise he was overflowing. It’s almost as if he was responding to the words of Jesus ten centuries later in Luke 19:40, “I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

A grateful heart is wonderful, because it keeps life in perspective, but actually expressing thanks seals the deal. I came to a realization one day, several years ago: If God never did another kind thing for me, if my life collapsed all around me causing me to lose all that I have, I am still blessed. I would still thank Him for His goodness. Isn’t that what King David did? He had his bad times. He went through his valleys, but he didn’t stay there. He chose to have an attitude of gratitude to God, and God continued to bless him for it.

Author: Jerry Frye


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