A Genius For Jesus

March 26th, 2017

RG AUDIO 032617


Proverbs 28:18-28

Proverbs 28:26 tells us: “Those who trust in themselves are fools.” The opposite of a fool is a genius. So, are we fools who trust in ourselves? Or, are we geniuses for Jesus?

Fools are chock full of self-confidence. They put their thoughts and ways above God’s. They know better than God, or so they think. They are bold and secure in their own ways, not His. It is easy today to convince ourselves that we know better than God, or that God just needs a little help from us.

Solomon, who collected and is credited with many of the Proverbs, is a great example of a man who strayed from his dependence on God and, over time, began to rely on his own wisdom. This led him far from God.

A genius for Jesus is one who puts his or her confidence in God’s Word and ways.

Are you a genius for Jesus? Or, a fool who trusts in himself or herself?

Author: Ann Hallyburton


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