A Divine View of Potential

September 13th, 2016

RG AUDIO 091316


Judges 6:11-24

Reading Judges 6, we see Gideon overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. He wanted God to prove who He is and that He is present. Probably all of us have shared some of those feelings. Yet, God was not put off by Gideon’s doubt. He understands, and He gave Gideon evidence of His presence. Gideon also did not run from God. Instead, he continued the conversation, remaining open to God’s message and obedient to God’s guidance.

God saw greater potential in Gideon than Gideon saw in himself. God called Gideon a “mighty warrior” and told him to march into battle. After all, Gideon would not go alone. God was sending him and would accompany him.

We too must be defined by what God sees in us, not what we see in ourselves. Instead of seeing our deficiencies, we need to focus on God’s sufficiency, and go in the limited strength we do have, confident that His presence and blessing is enough!

Author: John M. Nielson

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