Stay Watchful

August 10th, 2016

RG AUDIO 081016


Matthew 24:36-51

I’m sitting in the darkness of our house experiencing a power outage. There was nothing to forewarn of a potential outage, just an unexpected turn of events. It seems to me this is similar to the way in which the Lord will return. He will come without anyone knowing when to expect Him.

The kind of watchful anticipation we ought to have isn’t passive waiting, such as sitting in a lawn chair looking toward the sky, but rather an active waiting in which we carry out our Master’s will. Doing His will while we’re awaiting His return, means we can rest in knowing the outcome will be positive whenever He arrives.

Since “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.” (Matthew 24:40) it appears it is less about the specific task as it is about one’s heart being set on knowing and doing the will of the Father.

I hope the power is restored soon, but I wish we’d been better prepared. It’s a (pardon the pun!) “powerful” reminder of what it means to stay watchful for Christ’s return.

Author: Thea Ardrey


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