Who Is He?
June 21st, 2016
Matthew 16:13-28
Remember hearing, “I’m not talking about the other guy, I’m taking about you”? How many times do we want to point the finger and ask the Lord, “What about him?” In the conversation between Jesus and His disciples in Matthew 16 the personal nature of salvation is demonstrated. Jesus’ question uncovered that lots of people had lots of theories about Him. Yet, all that will matter, both now and for eternity, is “Who do you say Jesus is?”
When interviewing applicants for youth positions I always ask how they explain salvation. I get a wide range of answers: good and bad, long and short, even a long discourse on “it depends on the age and background of the person.” So my next question is usually, “Who is Jesus to you?” It’s not how you were brought up, what church you go to, who is the audience you are addressing, but is your answer, “Jesus is my personal Savior from sin”? Whether today or on the Day of Judgment, the greatest question you will ever answer is, “Who is Jesus to you?”
Author: Mark Thielenhaus