Worship, Joy, And Praise

March 23rd, 2016

RG AUDIO 032316


Luke 24:36-53

As a Christian, nothing compares to worship and praise. To feel God’s presence as we worship in song, verbal praise, and anointed preaching fills the heart with joy.

The disciples walked with Jesus. They watched Him heal the sick, cast out demons, and even raise the dead. They witnessed His death at Calvary and spent time with Him after He rose from the dead. He instructed them and opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. Then, near Bethany, He lifted up His hands to bless them. During the blessing, He left them and was lifted up into heaven.

Instead of sorrow at Christ’s departure, the disciples worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. They stayed at the temple continually. They desired the company of other believers but they also wanted to praise God together in His temple.

Learn to love God’s house and God’s people. Praise the Lord in joyful song and verbal praise. Those of us who have encountered the risen Lord by faith can do no less.

Author: Cindy Goss Kingsbury


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