Never Alone

February 23rd, 2016

RG AUDIO 022316


John 14:15-27

In John 14, Jesus prepares His disciples for the end of His time on earth. It is clear that the disciples were having a difficult time coming to terms with their teacher’s departure. They were basically asking, “What can we do without you?” We sense their uncertainty, fear, and doubt. How could they accomplish God’s mission without Jesus’ guidance?

Jesus told them that, although His time on earth was coming to an end, their work was just beginning. He told them that if they would follow His commands, they would receive the counsel of the Holy Spirit, who would “be with [them] forever” (v. 16), which is a noteworthy distinction. Jesus had been with them only temporarily, but the Spirit of truth would be their advocate forever, if they loved Jesus and kept His commands.

The same is true for us today; though we cannot see Him, the Holy Spirit is also our advocate. If we love Jesus and keep His commands, Jesus will intercede on our behalf, and God will grant us the help of the Counselor. As with the disciples, the Holy Spirit will be with us always.

Author: Kristen Allen


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