It’s Possible—With God

February 19th, 2016

RG AUDIO 021916


Mark 10:17-31

It seemed the man who came to Jesus had everything going for him. He was upright, religious, law-abiding, and wealthy. Yet something was missing. He felt he needed to do something to inherit eternal life, but was unwilling to do the one thing necessary.

The problem wasn’t that he had great wealth, but that it possessed him. He would not let go of what was temporary to gain what was eternal. So, he missed the kingdom of God. He went away sad. It didn’t have to be that way.

There are no impossibilities with God. God is willing and able to save all who come to Him. If we put anything else in God’s place, we will be as unsatisfied as the young man. We have to let go of the temporary to gain what is eternal. Abundant life is ours when we surrender to Jesus. Whatever we leave behind to follow Him, Jesus said we will receive far more, not to possess, but to enjoy. Even with persecution, there will be blessings too many to count and eternal life.

Author: Juanita Nelting

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