A Brave Request

September 26th, 2015

RG AUDIO 092615


Matthew 8:5-13

The centurion in Matthew 8 asked Jesus to do something out of the ordinary–his request revealed a desperation and true concern for his paralyzed servant. Jesus responded immediately: “Shall I come and heal him?” (v. 7) The centurion’s reply revealed that he was confident in Jesus’ ability to heal the servant by “just [saying] the word” (v. 8).

Do we have that kind of faith? The centurion’s story teaches us that should not run from opportunities to build our faith. The more we learn about Jesus through His Word, the more our faith will be strengthened.

We share the testimonies of those who are saved and sanctified. We sing of God’s power to forgive us and cleanse us from sin. That is good, but why do we say so little about God’s promises to heal? After all, Jesus sent His disciples “to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick” (Luke 9:2). May our Lord grant us courage to take Him at His word and faith to pray for the sick with expectation that He will heal them.

Author: Jack W. Eyestone


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