Prayer and Unity Bring Healing

September 23rd, 2015

RG AUDIO 092315


Acts 4:23-31

At the close of their prayer in Acts 4, the believers were all filled with the Holy Spirit and boldness to proclaim the word of God. Later, in Acts 5, we see their prayer answered: signs and wonders took place; a multitude of new believers were added to the Church; the sick and those tormented by impure spirits were healed.

To me, as a 21st-century Christian, there are three details in this narrative that strike me: first, this episode took place after Pentecost, shortly after the Holy Spirit fell upon them; second, the believers’ prayers for signs and healings were answered by the power and in the name of Jesus; and finally, the believers were unified as multitudes came to them.

The same Holy Spirit who answered the believers’ prayers in Acts 4 is active in our world today–God still answers prayers and works miracles. Let us approach Him with faith and unity so that others may see His glorious healing power.

Author: Jack W. Eyestone


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