God of the Refugee

September 18th, 2015

RG AUDIO 091815


Psalm 142:1-7

Despite his divinely-appointed destiny, David felt discouraged and depressed in a dark, dreary cave. He was hiding from King Saul, who was determined to destroy him (1 Samuel 22:1-4). David was forced to abandon the comfort and security of his home, along with the love and protection of his family and friends.

Today David would be classified as a refugee, a displaced person, or an asylum-seeker.

Young Jesus was a refugee when His parents fled to Egypt to escape King Herod’s persecution. Even when as an adult, the Son of God had “no place to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20). He chose to identify with and serve the most marginalized and oppressed people of His society.

Today there are more than 50 million displaced people in our world. Many are in a cave of despair. God cares for the exiled and the persecuted refugee and calls His people to offer loving hospitality to aliens and strangers (Leviticus 19:33-34).

Author: Steve Walsh


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