Watch Out For False Prophets
August 19th, 2015
David Koresh was the leader of a cult known as the Branch Davidians. Koresh’s vices included adultery, polygamy, and child abuse. He also claimed to be the “Messiah.” The disturbing practices and illegal actions of his group resulted in an infamous gun battle with law enforcement, culminating in Koresh’s death and the deaths of many of his followers.
While this is an extreme example of a modern-day false prophet, one lesson we learn from this awful story is to choose leaders carefully and hold them accountable to God’s standards. The Bible cautions us, “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save” (Psalm 146:3). To expect constant perfection from a spiritual leader would be unrealistic. Do my leaders strive to be in step with God’s Word and His holy character?
God will be the final judge; nevertheless, believers must seek godly wisdom to evaluate the actions of leaders and determine if they truly serve God or if they have evil intentions. Know God’s Word and guard your salvation!
Author: Mallory Sauer