Hope In The Unseen

July 16th, 2015

RG AUDIO 071615


1 Peter 1:1-12

When Olivia was pregnant she knew that she would love the child growing within her–sight unseen. With great expectation, through the discomfort of pregnancy and pain of delivery, she wasn’t just hopeful, but sure that this child would have her heart. The birth of a baby, or the adoption of one, brings great joy and hope for many.

It may not be birth, or adoption, but we all understand the hopeful expectation of things we have yet to see, taste, touch or know. Scripture says we know this experience in regards to Christ. I haven’t seen him in the flesh. I haven’t heard the cadence of his voice. But I know without a doubt that I love him. I have been changed by his life, death and resurrection. This is the hope we have.

The transformation that happens in us when we come to know Christ is born out of the love the Father has for us! We have been adopted. We are adored. We are valued. We are wanted. We are blessed with an eternal inheritance.

Author: Olivia Metcalf

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