Identity Enables Service
June 19th, 2015
The sequence here is phenomenal: Jesus knew. Jesus knew his time had come, but even more Jesus knew he belonged to the Father. Jesus knew that the Father had “put all things under his power” (John 13:3). Jesus was confident in his identity in the Father’s love and in the Father’s mission.
Judas is ready to betray Jesus and send him to the cross. All the forces of hell are about to break loose upon Jesus’ body and Jesus’ followers. Still, Jesus knew who he was.
Out of that deep identity in the Father, Jesus took the place of a servant. Jesus took his friends’ feet in his hands and washed away the dirt, sweat, and animal dung that had collected as they walked Jerusalem’s streets. This lowest act of service was not a threat to Jesus’ standing because his identity was secure in the Father’s love.
Because the Father loves us so unconditionally, we can love others without regard for status or standing or comfort.
Author: Josh Broward