Even to These

June 18th, 2015

RG AUDIO 061815

Matthew 26:20-35

It is shocking to notice that, at the Last Supper, Jesus offers the bread and cup to Judas. Jesus knows what Judas is about to do. Even so, Jesus passes these symbols of His body and blood to Judas. With betrayal looming and the cross just hours away, Jesus commanded them to take the cup and “Drink from it, all of you” (Matthew 26:27, emphasis added).

Not just Judas but Peter as well. Peter: the man of brash claims and bold faith. Peter: the one who believed enough to walk on water, yet who disowned Jesus three times before the rooster would crow. Peter also accepts the bread and the wine from the Savior he would fail.

And not just Judas and Peter, but all the other disciples. When Jesus was arrested, they all “deserted him and fled” (Matthew 26:56). Yet all of these deserters shared in that first meal of the new covenant.

Not just those disciples, but us too. We have all failed Jesus, and apart from His grace we will fail again. Jesus offers us his body and blood “which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28).

Author: Josh Broward

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