A Significant Witness

April 17th, 2015

RG AUDIO 041715


Psalm 40:1-17

I don’t know why Mr. Joe chose to be our Sunday School teacher. He had enough responsibilities to fill his day. There were other classes he could have attended which may have been of greater help to him and his spiritual journey-–but he chose us.

Every Sunday morning, four to six energetic junior boys filled his small Sunday School classroom. With great patience he shared the Bible lesson with us. We listened, for the most part. We especially listened when Mr. Joe shared about how God had transformed his life. We listened closely when he shared prayer requests for his son and family’s salvation. We listened because he didn’t hide his love for the One who loved him first.

I don’t think any of us boys remember a lot about Mr. Joe’s lessons, but we all remember Mr. Joe. He was real. His love for us was real. His love for God was real. And that made everything else that happened in that classroom significant.

Who are you sharing your life with this week so they see God’s love and faithfulness in you?

Author: Larry R. Morris

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