No Band-Aid® Needed

February 12th, 2015

RG AUDIO 021215


Hebrews 12:1-13

The beginning of Hebrews chapter twelve delineates what the disciplined life looks like from God’s perspective. We see that when we get rid of things that hold us back from growing spiritually, turn away from sin, strengthen our mind and heart, be persistent, and focus on Jesus; we are more likely to be open to the discipline God uses to bring us closer to Christ.

The closer we are in our relationship with Christ; the discipline we receive seems less punitive. None of us like the idea of being corrected. However, discipline makes more sense and is certainly more bearable when we love the one who disciplines us, and we have an understanding of why the discipline is necessary.

As children we were not mature enough to understand the reason for the discipline we receive from our parents. As adults we now have the self-awareness necessary to comprehend our need for direction and even correction. It isn’t easy, but if we follow the guidelines that we see in the book of Hebrews, we can know that a loving God is always intent on helping us to be more like Him.

Author: Cindy Lowcock

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