Guard Your Heart

January 11th, 2015

RG AUDIO 011115


Hebrews 3:7-19

“Will you give me your all?” This was God’s question to E. Stanley Jones as he knelt at his bedside. “Yes, Lord, of course I will,” Stanley responded. “I will give you my all, all I know and all I don’t know.” The Master replied, “Then take my all, take the Holy Spirit.” Stanley reflected, “My all for his all; my all was myself, his all was himself, the Holy Spirit. I saw as in a flash the offer. I eagerly replied: ‘I will take the Holy Spirit.’”

“I arose from my knees, with no evidence, save his word. I walked out on the naked promise of that Word. His character was behind that Word.” Stanley repeated his acceptance as doubts began to move in. “I walked around the room pushing away with my hands the menacing doubts. When suddenly I was filled—filled with the Holy Spirit. Wave after wave of the Spirit seemed to be going through me as a cleansing fire. . . . I could do nothing but praise him—and did…The Holy Spirit had come to abide with me forever.”*

* E. Stanley Jones, A Song of Ascents: A Spiritual Autobiography, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1968, 52-53.

Author: Paul Martin

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One Response to “Guard Your Heart”

  1. Rev.Y.Gnanaselvan, Elder Says:

    January 11th, 2015 at 10:53 am

    Dear Paul Martin,

    I am an Indian. I am a Pastor. A copy of the book ” A Song of Ascents” is right at my study table. I was helped by the book very much. Time and again I was inspired by the book.
    Will you be able to get a copy of the book “Conversion” written by Dr.E.Stanley Jones. Or give me the address from where I can get one.

    Thank You.

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