Truly Blessed

December 14th, 2014

RG AUDIO 121414


James 1:1-18

Have you ever said, “I am certainly blessed: God has smiled on my life. Look at all he has given me.” It seems interesting that we Christians often believe because we have many material blessings and are free from trial and hardship, God must really love us.

Remember teaching your toddler to sleep in her own bed? You knew it would be traumatic–but finally the night came. You placed her in the crib, tucked her in, kissed her cheek, left the nightlight on and closed the door. She began to cry, calling for mommy and daddy. She felt deserted, not realizing you were just steps away. You wanted to go in and console her, but you knew you couldn’t. Eventually, the crying stopped, sleep came and the lesson was learned. She could make it through the darkness. She was growing up and she was blessed to have parents who truly cared.

Could it be that the challenges God allows into our lives are actually meant for our good? That we are shaped into the Christians God wants us to be more by effort than ease? That the real blessings of life come in the struggles? See it as God’s gift.

Author: Bob Broadbooks


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