The Tipping Point

December 3rd, 2014

RG AUDIO 120314


Psalm 22:24-31

Psalm 22 begins with God’s servant feeling forsaken and ends with an expansive vision–a time when “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD” (Psalm 22:27). That vision has yet to be fulfilled. What was the source of David’s confident hope? A clue can be found in the structure of the Psalm itself.

We often think of poetry as words arranged in a pattern of measured syllables and rhyme. Hebrew poetry is typically structured by patterns of thought and imagery. Psalm 22 balances like a fulcrum. The tipping point is between verses 21 and 22. It is there that David’s attitude is transformed. For 21 verses he cries for deliverance, yet in the last ten verses David turns to praise. In verses 20 and 21 David cries “deliver me,” “rescue me,” and “save me.” However, when we reach verse 31 David is ready to declare, “He has done it!” God has not scorned his afflicted one. God sees, hears, and responds.

Author: Duane C. Brush

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2 Responses to “The Tipping Point”

  1. W.R. Crisp Says:

    December 3rd, 2014 at 5:29 am

    “God has not scorned his afflicted one. God sees, hears, and responds.”

    Praise God !

    Thank you , brother Duane, for these timely words of encouragement.
    Thank Thee, O LORD, for placing these anointed words before right when I needed them so desparately to feed me !

  2. Duane Brush Says:

    December 4th, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    Thank you, Bill, for your kind comments. Many blessings to you from our faithful God.

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