Worth the Effort

November 16th, 2014

RG AUDIO 111614


Proverbs 21:20-31

It had been one of those hot, humid summers on the saltwater-surrounded island. The absence of air-conditioning meant that every window in the house was open and poised to capture the slightest breeze.

Off in the distance you could hear the gentle lapping of the Chesapeake Bay, where commercial fishermen ceaselessly toiled in their boats. Some worked large seine nets as they fished for menhaden (herring), which had a disproportionately high value for their size.

One July night, while the world seemed to sleep, sounds of all sorts began to erupt from the darkness. Fishermen who had faithfully but fruitlessly been dragging their purse seine nets with so little to show for their efforts suddenly found them bursting with fish. Immediately the boats began to arrive at the docks fairly overflowing with fish.

The news spread. People awakened to the sounds of car horns and lights filled the darkened houses as news of the catch came ashore. Fishermen who had grown weary from the heat and long hours were suddenly flushed with income. Sore backs and calloused hands were forgotten because perseverance had paid off.

So it is when we tirelessly pursue God.

Author: David J. Felter


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