Powerless To Help

August 12th, 2014

RG AUDIO 081214


Job 6:1-13

Job was one of the wealthiest men in the Middle East, if not the wealthiest and most successful man of his time. He had a wonderful family, status, influence, prominence, success and power throughout his community. He lacked nothing, and yet in an instant it was all removed from him. In place of all he had, Job received mental anguish, physical pain, powerlessness, and loss of success. He felt that his misery, if it were placed on the scales, “It would surely outweigh the sands of the seas” (Job 6:3). Job’s burden would have crushed many people. In fact, he asked that God would “crush him” to end his pain (Job 6:9).

While our own circumstances will probably not come close to Job’s we may have experienced loss of status, influence, financial setbacks, or the loss of a loved one. We may have felt powerless at the time. Job depended on God even when he felt powerless to help himself, because in his core being he recognized that through the unlimited power of God all things are possible.

Author: Jim Rickard

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