The God Who Reigns

June 27th, 2014

RG AUDIO 062714

Daniel 5:13-30

My son has a teddy bear. It is a blue bear he was given as a baby. He’s a big boy now, playing little league baseball, climbing trees, and starting school soon. Even though he’s growing up, he still loves his teddy bear. It’s soft, cuddly, and friendly; without any rough edges. Every so often my son still finds Blue Bear and snuggles up with it for the night.

Many folks view God much like a teddy bear. He’s soft, cuddly, and cute. He’s there when we need Him or when a storm is raging. He’s great to snuggle with, keeping us warm and comfortable. This view of God has no rough edges, no real boundaries, and is not worthy of our respect. This was King Belshazzar’s view.

The word of the Lord through the prophet Daniel shatters this teddy bear image of God. He reminds Belshazzar God has his “very breath” in His power (NRSV). Because he did not honor God, Belshazzar lost his life (v. 30).

God is not our teddy bear. The God who is dealing with us created everything; delivered Israel, conquered death, and is coming again. He is the undeniable King of the universe.

Author: Mark A. Hendrickson


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