The God We Can Trust

June 25th, 2014

RG AUDIO 062514

Proverbs 29:12-27

Last summer our son Nicholas learned how to jump off the diving board without wearing any “floaties.” This was a pretty big leap for a four-year-old! I was in the pool, right under the diving board, trying everything I could to convince him to jump, trying to convince him that this leap would not result in immediate death.

Fear kept Nicholas trembling on the edge of a diving board. Fear can keep us from sharing our faith, saying “yes” to God’s call, and letting go of our pain, engaging someone for Christ, or embracing new ideas. Fear can paralyze individuals, families, churches, even nations. Fear will trip us up every time.

God calls us to be free from fear and be filled instead with His perfect love. If we learn to really trust Him we will discover a whole new life of freedom and vibrancy.

I’ll never forget my son’s face when he finally made the leap. He was grinning ear-to-ear. What would your life and mine look like if God set us free from our fear?

Author: Mark A. Hendrickson

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