Who Will Tell Them?

June 8th, 2014

RG AUDIO 060814

Acts 19:1-20

Paul arrived in Ephesus almost 30 years after the death of John the Baptist. Yet Paul found there a group of about 12 disciples who still followed John. They believed in the coming Messiah and in John’s baptism of repentance. Yet they knew nothing of the cross, the resurrection, or the coming of the Holy Spirit.

It was Paul’s privilege to tell them about Jesus. On hearing of His life, death, and resurrection, they were baptized in Christ’s name (Acts 19:5). And when they heard about the events of Pentecost, they were filled with His indwelling Holy Spirit (v. 6).

Imagine how frustrated those 12 disciples were before Paul arrived? How hard it must have been to live without Christ’s example and teaching. How empty their lives were without the hope of the resurrection. How impossible it was to share their faith without the power of the Spirit.

We, too, know people who have an inadequate knowledge of Christ. All around us are those who have not heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.

  • Will you share your faith in Christ with those who need to hear?
  • Will you tell them about the empowering of God’s Holy Spirit?

Author: Bill Manning


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