Always There

March 29th, 2014

RG AUDIO 032914

Job 19:13-29

After losing his wealth, his possessions, his children and his health, Job was at rock bottom. He cried out in total despair that there was no hope for him. He wanted to die. At the same time, Job was conflicted because he believed in the Lord and in His mighty power to save. Job was torn between his faith in God and the bleakness of his present circumstances, which caused him to doubt God’s goodness.

Everyone endures some trial in life that tests the spirit. We want to trust God’s plan, but the struggle is overwhelming. We just want to see His face, know His purposes, and catch a glimpse of His light in our present darkness. What if we do not receive an answer at the moment we want it? Do we cry “foul” because we believe it is not fair or we do not understand it?

Just as God answered Job in his darkest hour, God will reveal Himself to us and offer us hope at just the right time. Humble yourself before Him, acknowledging the fact that He knows what is best for you. God promises, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Author: Mallory Sauer

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