The King of Hearts

December 6th, 2013

RG AUDIO 120613


Luke 1:26-38

Leadership changes usually make people confront their expectations and assumptions. Church boards listen to the vision of prospective leaders and create a picture of what that means. Often, after the initial get acquainted time, implications of the leadership change surface that don’t fit everyone’s expectations. People caught in leadership transition have to make a decision: Do I change my expectations or do I find another leader.

Mary didn’t realize that the baby she would deliver would make people confront their understanding about the king God promised. The Jews wanted the glory days of David’s rule as they chaffed under Roman authority. They wanted a new leader. However, they envisioned a leader who would sweep Jewish territory clean of any other ruler.

As usual, God had a different idea. He sent Jesus, Son of the Most High, to take David’s throne to a different place, literally. Today’s Christmas news is that God still offers to be King of your heart where no political power has jurisdiction.

Author: Debbie Salter Goodwin

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