Children & Church

January 7th, 2013

Luke 2:41-52RG AUDIO 010713

Most parents can identify with Mary and Joseph. A child getting lost strikes fear deep into your heart. It took them three solid days of looking everywhere only to find Jesus in the Temple. Mary provides a bit of a reprimand and Jesus responds to this in wonder–“Why didn’t you know I would be here?”

We so often underestimate our children. At times they amaze us with what they know and understand. They surprise us with their faith, even while they are exercising their independence and particular personalities. Jesus knows who he is and he longs to be in the sanctuary of his Father with people who reverence and respect the Word.

Jesus returns home in a spirit of obedience; he honors his parents. The witness presented is that he grew intellectually (“wisdom”), physically (“stature”), and socially/emotionally (“in favor”). In this little picture of his youth, we see the humanity of Christ, yielding both to parents and his human limitations.

This gives me hope for our children. They do have their personalities and preferences, but they are developing every day.


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One Response to “Children & Church”

  1. Barbara Says:

    January 7th, 2013 at 8:26 am

    The festival of the Passover that year must have sparked Jesus’ spirituality (just as the Holy Spirit draws us — John 6:44) into asking questions and listening to the religious.

    The age of 12 “might” be relevant to those confused as to Jesus’ sinless sexual life. The desires of His human body at puberty were over-ridden by His willingness to obey HIS calling (as indicated by the place in which He was found).

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